Apparently we had reached the sky

Years of Experience in Building top Brands

Ranveer Singh

Website and mobile app developer

As a freelance web developer from India, I bring over 10 years of experience in the field of web development. My expertise lies in creating robust web solutions, and I am fully committed to delivering projects within the agreed timelines. I understand the critical significance of your web application to you and approach every project with this perspective in mind. My passion for web development is not just my profession, but a craft I truly love and enjoy.

Recent Projects

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My key skills are...

Client Testimonials

Ranveer is very dedicated and the communication was very fluent with great response times. He went through great lengths to resolve the smallest details.
Aarnoudt Oskam
We've had numerous requests for web based forms and SMS, email sending from the form. Ranveer has taken it all in his stride and done awesome work.
James Philbrick
I enjoyed working with Ranveer. He was communicative, did good work and was receptive to feedback. I look forward to working with him again.
Joe Jackson

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